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History to You serves to provide an interactive experience for students and members of the community that will make learning about history more interesting and aid in its retention.  Our goal is simple: to stimulate positive change by increasing awareness of the cultural richness of African-American history.
"Back to the Classics": The Launch of History To You's  Official Book Club!
January 27, 2018: "The Mis-Education of the Negro" by Dr. Carter G. Woodson
February 24, 2018: "Up From Slavery" by Booker T. Washington
March 24, 2018: "Souls of Black Folk" by Dr. W.E.B. DuBois
All Meetings held at the St. Louis Public Library - Julia Davis Branch, from 2-4pm
**Free Copies of the Book are provided to the first 75 attendees!!!
Before We Were Slaves:
The Rich History of Africa
May 13, 2017: Ancient Kemet and Kush/Nubia
May 27, 2017: Western and Central Africa
Barbara C. Jordan Elementary
2017 Juneteenth Celebration

Beckett Park, St. Louis

4400 Page Blvd.

(Page & Taylor)


2017 African American Artifacts Festival:

August 19, 2017

St. Louis Crowne Square Plaza 14th & St. Louis Ave

1:00 - 7:00pm

What We Do
Why History To You?

What makes History to You unique is its ability to stimulate dialogue apart from the day to day monotony of books, tablets and documentaries.  Because most historical facts are a few mouse clicks or screen taps away, many students and members of society as a whole have become more detached/less concerned with the significance of history and its cultural impact.  We want to re-connect individuals with the past – with their past, their parents past, etc. – re-root them in history by bringing history to them – not via internet or virtual reality but in person.  With a collection of artifacts at our disposal spanning the eighteenth through the twenty-first centuries, we are able to develop courses/lectures with applicable artifacts covering a broad array of subjects – with a desire to continue to expand the types of courses we can offer to further help our community.

Recent/Upcoming Presentations/
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